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방울 단 길잡이 숫양 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • bell wether
  • 방울    방울1 [종] a small bell. ~을 달다 bell /
  •     단1 [묶음] a bundle; a bunch; a sheaf (짚
  • 길잡이    길잡이1 [도표] a guidepost; a guideboard; a
  • 숫양    ram; tup
  • 길잡이    길잡이1 [도표] a guidepost; a guideboard; a fingerpost; a signpost; a direction post; a way post.2 [지침] a guiding principle; a guideline; [안내서] a guide ; a handbook; a manual. 작문의 ~ hints on composition.
  • 길잡이 개체    assistant object
  • 길잡이 모양    assistant shape
  • 길잡이 별    loadstar; lodestar
  • 벌꿀길잡이새류    Honeyguide
  •     단1 [묶음] a bundle; a bunch; a sheaf (짚 등의); a load; a faggot(장작 등의). 벼[보리] (한) ~ a sheaf of rice[wheat]. 장작 (한) ~ a bundle[load] of firewood. 시금치 세 ~ three bunches of spinach. ~으로 묶다 tie[do] up in a
  • 방울    방울1 [종] a small bell. ~을 달다 bell / tie[attach] a bell. ~을 울리다 ring[tinkle] a bell. ~을 흔들다 shake a bell2 [둥근 액체 덩이] a drop. 눈물 ~ drops of tears. 물~ waterdrops. 빗~ raindrops. 굵은 빗~ large drops of rai
  • 불깐 숫양    mouton; sheep; ram; wether
  • 숫양 같은    rammish
  • 거세한 숫양    wether
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